

Self-worth doesn’t come from what you do. It comes from the quality and virtue you bring to each act.



You need courage to be true to yourself. Go inside yourself and evoke your courage.



Speak the truth, but do so lovingly.



Go into an experience of stillness for one minute and the power of that will remain for the rest of the hour.



Keeping my own mind calm and clear is the easiest method to sort out messy situations.


True North - Youth Retreat at Global Retreat Centre

A weekend residential retreat for young people successfully took place at the Global Retreat Centre, Oxfordshire on the first weekend of April. with 37 young, dynamic and deep thinkers from around the UK taking the opportunity to dive deep into conversations to support them on their spiritual journey. New found friendships with the self and others, tools for reflection and meditation and memories of 'aha moments' were some of the main takeaways from the retreat.  

Smita Joshi and Sister Jayanti at the Nehru Centre

Sister Jayanti and yoga teacher, transformation coach and author Smita Joshi were interviewed by journalist Philippa Blackham on 'The Power of Your Inner Voice' at The Nehru Centre in Mayfair, London on Friday 26th April. A recording of the rich conversation between these two meditators and changemakers will be available soon.  

24 Goals in 2024

For seasoned goal-setters, as well as those new to meditation and personal development, a new initiative for 2024, offered by Inner Space Covent Garden. Starting in January, you will receive an email twice a month with a new theme, through the year.

Click here to find out more.  




21 Days to Make a Difference

Your Relationship with Your Mind

just-a-minute meditation commentaries

Learn to relax, refocus and re-energise in just one minute

Meditation Lounge

Relaxing meditations and daily thoughts

Pure Peace

Why do we find it hard to be at peace with ourselves, each other and the world? Imagine a lake that is flat and calm and pure – it is so clear you can see the bottom. Even when the wind blows it only ruffles the surface. All is still and peaceful in its depth. Then the first polluting chemicals of the new factory and farm come rolling down the hill and into the water. Immediately it starts to cloud over and bubble a little. Chemical reactions are taking place and the purity is lost. When purity is lost peace is lost.

It is the same with human consciousness. We are innately peaceful beings. Peace is our deepest inner state of being, our true nature. To be at peace is to be in our natural state, but only when our consciousness is pure and clean and true. As soon as the pollutants of any negative images are allowed in, or we allow old memories and experiences to disturb us into negative thinking, our purity and therefore our inner peace are gone. It’s not the external event or person that takes our peace away – it’s because we give them permission to enter and give them life in our minds.

Keep your mind and heart free of all pollution, and peace will always be with you.

Thought for Today

Good thoughts for a healthy mind
