You can create your own fortune

You can create your own fortune

Dear friends, Om shanti. Make the aim of your life to use your body, mind, wealth, breath and time in a worthwhile way. This means to keep the quality of your thoughts ...

Don't stop giving love

Don't stop giving love

Dear friends, Om shanti. If someone makes a mistake and you see it, do not allow it to affect your vision of that person. People come under the influence of their ...

The Essence of Spiritual Knowledge

The Essence of Spiritual Knowledge

Dear friends, Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti.  People talk about many things when they speak of spirituality, but the essence of spiritual knowledge is to ...

Forgive and forget

Forgive and forget

Dear friends,
Om shanti. My wish inside is that even if somebody has done something to me, that in one minute I can forgive & forget.  Let each one ...

Perform as many elevated actions as you wish.

Perform as many elevated actions as you wish.

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  It is not necessary to get lost in thought on any subject. The things that need to remain in our awareness now are simple:  1) ...

Add “a” to tension and pay attention

Add “a” to tension and pay attention

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. At this time it is essential to use time in a beneficial way. There is a great deal of value within this time. Pay attention to the ...

Spiritual conversations

Spiritual conversations

Dear friends, Om shanti.  One of the important things that happens in spiritual gatherings is the creation of a powerful atmosphere.  This happens even ...

Let my presence do service

Let my presence do service

Dear Friends, Om shanti. My life should not be complicated. I must not be complicated for anyone else, nor should they be complicated for me.  It should be easy ...

Past is past

Past is past

Dear Friends, Om shanti. This time is such that we have to move into a state of soul conscious awareness inside ourselves.  We have to remain soul conscious ...

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