To return to our original state of peace, we need power

To return to our original state of peace, we need power

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. What is the difference between peace and silence? The original religion of the soul is peace, and the task of this time is to take ourselves ...

Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti

Om  shanti.  Om shanti.  Om shanti

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  Om shanti.  Om shanti.
The first Om Shanti reminds us of the original religion of the soul, which is peace: the second ...

Connect with deeper imprints of goodness and purity

Connect with deeper imprints of goodness and purity

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  All of us have had experiences that caused us to carry sorrow, anger or fear.  The impact left on us as a result of our ...

Difference between peace and silence

Difference between peace and silence

Dear Friends, Om shanti. What is the difference between peace and silence?I go into silence and find peace.The world is divided into many pieces.People’s ...

We need three powers

We need three powers

Dear Friends, Om shanti. In life we need three powers.  The first is patience. In order to have patience, we need the power of tolerance. If we can’t ...

Teach your mind to talk to God

Teach your mind to talk to God

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  The call of this time is to remove our weaknesses and to finish our karmic accounts.  In order to remove my weaknesses, ...

Spiritual Friendships.

Spiritual Friendships.

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  I want to share a secret with you: we are living in an unlimited drama and we are the actors, each playing our own part. Realize ...

Keeping our inner sanctuary peaceful

Keeping our inner sanctuary peaceful

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  People need peace.  Sitting in silence is not the same as sitting in peace.  Peace will only come to me from going ...

Time is very powerful.

Time is very powerful.

Dear friends, Om shanti. You can make your mind peaceful in a second. Just shut the door on peacelessness. If we want to make a change like this – becoming ...

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