Make your character high

Make your character high

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  I know that sometimes you become absorbed in seeing the mistakes of those around you.  It is a weakness to look at anyone ...

Detached and Loving

Detached and Loving

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  It’s time to become detached and loving. When one becomes detached, one automatically becomes loving. Some have the habit of ...

The secret to a fortunate life

The secret to a fortunate life

Dear friends, Om shanti. Do you ever wonder how fortune is created? God is on the right side and fortune on the other side. Make God your Companion and observe everything ...

Be a sample in the world of being simple

Be a sample in the world of being simple

Dear friends, Om shanti. Through self realization and connection with God, we develop deep purity, which doesn’t allow negativity to touch us. After purity, ...

Natural Law

Natural Law

Dear friends, Om shanti. It is a natural law that whatever your inner state, others seeing you will become the same. Do you find that to be true – that by ...

Be still, be silent and create peace

Be still, be silent and create peace

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Now is the time to keep your inner stage elevated and to serve others. But you cannot do this if you are absorbed in thinking about ...

Yoga while in action

Yoga while in action

Dear friends, Om Shanti. It’s one thing to sit in meditation, what some call yoga. But if we are going to transform our lives, we can’t only have yoga ...

Intention to live a spiritual life

Intention to live a spiritual life

Dear friends, Om shanti. In these times, the atmosphere of the world is becoming increasingly heavy. Pay attention wherever you go, to what type of atmosphere you ...

Create the future you want

Create the future you want

Dear friends, Om shanti. One reason for sorrow in the world is that people become entangled with the past. Realize that the past is past. Don’t sit there and ...

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