We need three powers

We need three powers

Dear Friends, Om shanti. In life we need three powers.  The first is patience. In order to have patience, we need the power of tolerance. If we can’t ...

Merciful Heart

Merciful Heart

Dear friends, Om shanti. I never let go of “om shanti” because when I remember “om shanti,” I remember who I am, who I belong to and what ...

Teach your mind to talk to God

Teach your mind to talk to God

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  The call of this time is to remove our weaknesses and to finish our karmic accounts.  In order to remove my weaknesses, ...

The future is in our hands, because the present is in our hands

The future is in our hands, because the present is in our hands

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. We are living together in a very auspicious time --- a time in which we can create our fortune for the future. Our time is valuable. ...

God's company

God's company

Dear friends, Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti. I am a soul, and the Supreme Soul is mine. This is what is important: who am I and who is mine. Keep your intellect ...

Naturally remain light

Naturally remain light

Dear friends, Om shanti. Sometimes when we come together I see that your work is making you feel heavy.  Don’t allow this to happen. Don’t allow ...

Experience dead silence

Experience dead silence

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Our ability to go deeply into silence brings us many benefits.  It is when the soul is in dead silence that it is able to go beyond ...

So what can I give to you, my friends?

So what can I give to you, my friends?

Dear friends, Om shanti.  So what can I give to you, my friends? I can only give you vibrations of truth and love. Let those vibrations draw you such that Dadi ...

Spiritual Friendships.

Spiritual Friendships.

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  I want to share a secret with you: we are living in an unlimited drama and we are the actors, each playing our own part. Realize ...

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