To find peace, go into silence

To find peace, go into silence

Dear Friends, Om shanti. To find peace, go into silence.  It is very valuable to sit in silence for at least one hour out of each 24 hours.  Silence means ...

Remember all that should be remembered and forget all that should be forgotten

Remember all that should be remembered and forget all that should be forgotten

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. Because you are my friend, and because what you say and do
influences many, I want you to understand that this is a very important ...

Natural nature of goodness

Natural nature of goodness

Dear friends, Om shanti. Your inner awareness should be that you are a spiritual being, a soul, with a natural nature of goodness. This inner awareness can chase ...

Ask yourself where your mind is

Ask yourself where your mind is

Dear Friends, Om shanti. The essence of this raja yoga is Manmanabhav, to keep our minds absorbed in the One.  So ask yourself where your mind is. Is it caught ...

Just focus on the present

Just focus on the present

Dear friends, Om shanti. One of the conditions of these times is a restless mind that steals the beautiful possibilities in this moment. Put a full stop to what ...

Notice what is in your mind and heart

Notice what is in your mind and heart

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  At this time it is essential to use time in a beneficial  way.  There is a great deal of value within this time.  Pay ...

Power of realization

Power of realization

Dear friends, Om shanti. The effort of this time is to finish whatever weaknesses or defects we have and to practice the power of realization, so that we can implement ...

Take this one blessing from God: I will not take sorrow from anyone

Take this one blessing from God: I will not take sorrow from anyone

Dear friend,
Some have called the world at this time the Land of Sorrow. There are many situations and people that cause sorrow. God has many titles. Two that ...

Don’t become entangled with other

Don’t become entangled with other

Dear friends, Om shanti. Don’t become entangled with others, and don’t allow your stage to fluctuate based on relationships. We make mistakes when we ...

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