The eyes are the windows of the soul.

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and that the drishti (the vision) of a yogi gives deep happiness to all.  ...

My energy should not be expended; it should be made

My energy should not be expended; it should be made

Dear friends, Om shanti.  Many ask me how I create energy for my life, especially now,  when I must be very careful about how I use energy.  It is ...

Ready and free to serve

Ready and free to serve

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Serve through your vibrations and create a good atmosphere. First, look into your heart, and make sure that there is no feeling of anything ...

Perform as many elevated actions as you wish.

Perform as many elevated actions as you wish.

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  It is not necessary to get lost in thought on any subject. The things that need to remain in our awareness now are simple:  1) ...

Remain incognito, introverted and introspective..

Remain incognito, introverted and introspective..

Dear friends, Om shanti. Each of us has a special part to play. We play these parts while being detached from the situations of the world and very loving. We have ...

The value of blessings

The value of blessings

Dear friends, Om shanti. When I say “om shanti” to you, it is a kind of blessing – a reminder that your essential nature is peaceful. We receive ...

Pay attention to what is in your consciousness

Pay attention to what is in your consciousness

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Pay attention to what is in your consciousness.  There is a deep connection between your consciousness, your attitude and your ...

Finish old things of the past

Finish old things of the past

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  This is the time to finish old things of the past.  Realize  they no longer belong to you.  Those who think about the ...

Recognise what needs to be left behind.

Recognise what needs to be left behind.

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  There are two powers that are very important on a spiritual journey:  The power to pack up and the power to ...

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