Power of Concentration

Power of Concentration

Dear friends, Om Shanti. With the power of concentration, I transform my intellect. Don’t talk much; rather concentrate on remembrance. Remember who you really ...

Attention to performing good actions

Attention to performing good actions

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  The main task of each of us is to pay attention to performing good actions. Do this and you will be filled with power. If someone ...

What is the condition of your heart?

What is the condition of your heart?

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  What is the condition of your heart? Go inside and ask yourself, who am I and whom do I belong to?  When you become introverted ...

Nourishment of happiness

Nourishment of happiness

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  If you really want to know how to live a good life, Dadi can share that secret with you. It is not a matter of wearing a good suit ...

Serve others by helping them to smile

Serve others by helping them to smile

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. One of the ways you can serve others is to help them to smile, but this is not as easy as it may sound. Some have such a character that ...

Go into the depths of Silence

Go into the depths of Silence

Dear friends, Om shanti.  There is no need to speak much now. Whenever possible, take the opportunity to go into the depths of silence, into the depths of yourself. ...

You yourself are worthy

You yourself are worthy

Dear friends. Om shanti.  It is possible to receive signals inside about what we should do.  To do this, first, give something good to your mind.  Then  hold ...

Intention to be in silence

Intention to be in silence

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Silence is the original and natural condition of the soul.  In silence, we don’t need a rosary, and we don’t ...

Joy beyond the senses

Joy beyond the senses

Dear friends, Om Shanti. I’ll share a secret of how to become joyful-- beyond the joy you get from the senses. I become conscious of myself as a soul and make ...

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