Close bond with God

Close bond with God

Dear friend, Om shanti.  Some of you tell me that you experience some kind of blockage in your heart --- something that prevents you from experiencing God’s ...

Powerful thoughts hold power

Powerful thoughts hold power

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  What is the difference between wasteful thoughts and powerful thoughts? Wasteful thoughts make us lose power. Unwanted thoughts are ...

Learn how to smile

Learn how to smile

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  What is needed in the world today is to learn how to smile,
and to make others smile. There are the diseases of so many different

Let your life be a blessing to the world

Let your life be a blessing to the world

Dear Friends,
Om shanti and greetings of love and peace.  This is an auspicious age, an age when we have the special opportunity to change ourselves and ...

Be still, be silent and create peace

Be still, be silent and create peace

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Now is the time to keep your inner stage elevated and to serve others. But you cannot do this if you are absorbed in thinking about ...

Spiritual awareness is very practical

Spiritual awareness is very practical

Dear friends, Om shanti. To be spiritually aware is very practical.  One who is  spiritual is accurate and does things on time.  They stay quiet and  peaceful ...

When the mind receives something good, it becomes peaceful

When the mind receives something good, it becomes peaceful

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  In the same way that we must fill the body, we must fill the
mind with spiritual knowledge.  Then we must reflect, ...

Silence and spirituality in your life

Silence and spirituality in your life

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Create an atmosphere of silence and spirituality in your  life. Let this silence surround you even when you are in action and in  relationship ...

Learn to return yourself to a state of peace

Learn to return yourself to a state of peace

Dear Friend,
Om Shanti. Is it that by receiving God's love we can remain peaceful? Or is it that by remaining peaceful, we can receive God's love?  A parent ...

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