The essential things in life

The essential things in life

Dear friends, Om Shanti. Leave the awareness of “I and mine”. “This is mine and this is yours” – leave this now. When I am close to ...

Our vibrations can travel thousands of miles away

Our vibrations can travel thousands of miles away

Dear friend,
Now is the time when we must develop the highest level of self respect – so high that no one can affect us.  Someone may throw a stone, ...

Accumulate energy.

Accumulate energy.

Accumulate energy. Dear friends, Om shanti.  There is power, there is energy and there is strength.
Sometimes people ask me where I get my energy from. ...

What does it mean to love yourself?

What does it mean to love yourself?

Dear friends, Om shanti.  What does it mean to love yourself? It’s not really about  the feeling of love, but about recognition of what is valuable ...

Quality of our awareness

Quality of our awareness

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  We human beings know what we should do and what we should not do.  We are blessed with an intellect that can understand ...

Spiritual Company

Spiritual Company

Dear friends, Om shanti. The atmosphere when we’re together is such that no one has ordinary thoughts.  Whatever is the quality of the atmosphere we create,  so ...

Have honesty, and be carefree

Have honesty, and be carefree

Dear friends, Om shanti. Have honesty, and be carefree. Don’t question how things will happen. Everything that has happened is good. Everything that is happening ...

Clean and courageous heart

Clean and courageous heart

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  There is a subtle method for taking help from the Father. When we maintain a clean heart and a courageous heart, we naturally receive ...

Trust in others and faith in the self

Trust in others and faith in the self

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Never look at others and think, “this one is like this, and that one is like that.”  Never see the weaknesses of ...

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