Spiritual conversations

Spiritual conversations

Dear friends, Om shanti.  One of the important things that happens in spiritual gatherings is the creation of a powerful atmosphere.  This happens even ...

Ready and free to serve

Ready and free to serve

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Serve through your vibrations and create a good atmosphere. First, look into your heart, and make sure that there is no feeling of anything ...

Forgive and forget

Forgive and forget

Dear friends,
Om shanti. My wish inside is that even if somebody has done something to me, that in one minute I can forgive & forget.  Let each one ...

Have patience, mind

Have patience, mind

Dear friends, Om shanti. Many of us experience a persistent restlessness inside. The cure for this restlessness is the virtue of being patient. Tell your mind, “Have ...

In silence many things resolve themselves

In silence many things resolve themselves

Dear friend,
Om Shanti. When we meet, sometimes you share with me the things that have happened to you that have caused you to feel hurt.These things happen, ...

Finish old things of the past

Finish old things of the past

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  This is the time to finish old things of the past.  Realize  they no longer belong to you.  Those who think about the ...

This is the time of opportunity

This is the time of opportunity

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Those who are wise will recognize that there is a great deal  of value within this time. Whatever has to be done, do it now. Who has  seen ...

None of us is alone

None of us is alone

Dear friends, Om Shanti.  We are all friends are we not? All of you are Dadi’s friends. And God is also our Mother, Father, Teacher and also our Friend. ...

Vibrations created go beyond walls

Vibrations created go beyond walls

Dear friends, Om shanti. Through our connection with God, we develop spiritual power, which brings us so much benefit. It allows us to care for the self and for ...

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