Three things to remember

Three things to remember

Dear friends, Om Shanti. May each of you live long and remain happy! Never remember that which is past. That which is unnecessary should not be remembered. That ...

Stay in peace. Stay in love.

Stay in peace. Stay in love.

Dear friends, Om shanti. Your thoughts should be pure and peaceful. Stay in peace. Stay in love. For this, use yoga power. Remain honest; don’t waste anything. ...

Whatever is inside gets expressed outside

Whatever is inside gets expressed outside

Dear friends, Om shanti. Don’t go into the detail of anything negative. Don’t keep such things in your mind. There is no greater illness than worry. ...

Don't get lost in this jungle

Don't get lost in this jungle

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  The world is a jungle of ideas.  Don’t get lost in this jungle.  Time is asking us to listen.  God is asking ...

Keeping your mind calm

Keeping your mind calm

Dear friends, Om shanti.  Some of you have asked about how to be calm in spite of feeling the pressure of time.  It’s very beneficial to be in a ...

Powerful influences on your life

Powerful influences on your life

Dear Friends, Om shanti. There are three things that have a very powerful influence on your life: As is the food, so is the mind As is the company, so is the colour As ...

Past is past

Past is past

Dear Friends, Om shanti. This time is such that we have to move into a state of soul conscious awareness inside ourselves.  We have to remain soul conscious ...

Our five natural virtues

Our five natural virtues

Dear friends, Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti. There are five virtues that should be natural in our lives; purity, truth, patience, humility and sweetness. Ask yourself; ...

Clean and courageous heart

Clean and courageous heart

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  There is a subtle method for taking help from the Father. When we maintain a clean heart and a courageous heart, we naturally receive ...

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