The ONE initiative

The ONE initiative

Dear Friends, The Brahma Kumaris understand this to be a time for personal and world transformation. We believe this happens as each one remembers the ONE above, ...

Quality thoughts

Quality thoughts

Dear friends, Om shanti.  It is the quality of our thoughts that affects the quality of our relationships, our words and our actions.  Do not to have any ...

Happiness makes us strong and stable

Happiness makes us strong and stable

Dear friends, Om shanti. There is no nourishment like the nourishment of happiness. There is no illness like the illness of worry. Happiness makes us strong and ...

Make the change inside

Make the change inside

Dear friends, Om shanti. This is a time for happiness. The way to maintain your happiness is not to allow yourself to experience anger, greed, ego, attachment or ...

One who is introverted can be concentrated – focused.

One who is introverted can be concentrated – focused.

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  When we are in the world, we feel the pulls of the world.  However, this is a time in which we have to be ever-ready as ...

Become a natural yogi

Become a natural yogi

Dear friends, Om shanti. Dadi is now 102 years old. How did Dadi get to be this age? By using every breath, every thought, every word and every action in a worthwhile ...

This is the time to pay attention to yourself

This is the time to pay attention to yourself

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. Think these are the final moments of this era. This is a
unique time when you can attain virtues and spiritual power. I request ...

Make your life beautiful

Make your life beautiful

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Now is the time to make your life beautiful.  The way to do this is with spiritual love. Godly love gives great strength. ...

Universal principles of karma

Universal principles of karma

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.Once we understand the universal principles of karma, we know
how important our every thought and word is.Remember that we will ...

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