What the future of the world could be

What the future of the world could be

Dear friends:
Now is the time for everyone to experience, through our features, what the future of the world could be.  We don’t just have to give a ...

We are servers

We are servers

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  We are servers.  Do a lot of service, and you will receive a lot of love.  When you perform acts of charity, don’t ...

Internally stay light

Internally stay light

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Internally stay light.  If you stay light, you can draw might from the Supreme Soul.  Once that connection breaks, ...

Go inside and realize who we are

Go inside and realize who we are

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  We are used to being distracted by external things -- by what we hear and what we see. Why do we learn mediation? To learn to ...

Sustained by God

Sustained by God

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  There is great benefit in simply being present.  What is it to be present?  To be aware of who am I and to see the eternal ...

Do everything with love

Do everything with love

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Speak sweetly to whomever comes in front of you.   Don’t see
anyone’s mistakes.  Make sure your ...

The power of "Om shanti"

The power of

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  Why do I always greet you with this greeting of “Om shanti”?  Peace is achieved only through the true understanding ...

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