Tension and Attention

Tension and Attention

Dear friends, Om Shanti. There is no nourishment like happiness. Happiness is nourishment. Worry is a type of illness and makes you into a patient. So, add “a” ...

Present in the present

Present in the present

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. Being on a spiritual path means changing your old patterns of
thinking.  If you work in the same way as you have in the past ...

Pay close attention to your awareness

Pay close attention to your awareness

Dear Friends, Om shanti. When we hear something uplifting… when we hear some aspect of the truth, we enjoy that and it comes into our awareness.  ...

Happiness and sorrow come from the inside

Happiness and sorrow come from the inside

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  I have always wanted to open an account in order to measure how much happiness I have. In the world people give many reasons for ...

Bring happiness into your life

Bring happiness into your life

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  It is very important to understand the answers to these questions: Who do I belong to? Who belongs to me?  And what is it ...

Never give up on anyone

Never give up on anyone

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  No matter how long it takes, never give up on anyone.  Even if someone seems to leave the path of benefit and go off in ...

Appreciation for what each one does

Appreciation for what each one does

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Let me have a vision of appreciation for what each one does. This gives happiness to other souls.  There is value in appreciation. The ...

Thinking too much is a habit

Thinking too much is a habit

Dear friends, Om shanti. Thinking too much is a habit. There’s no need to think a great deal. Teach yourself to stay in peace, happiness, love, and bliss. ...

Give Happiness to others

Give Happiness to others

Dear friends, Om shanti. Our time is very valuable. Let every thought and every breath be filled with pure love and happiness. This will bring incredible happiness ...

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