Faith becomes a force

Faith becomes a force

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  You have to know God very deeply and well, so your intellect becomes clean.  Then you can see what is inside of you, and ...

Where do feelings come from?

Where do feelings come from?

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Someone asked me recently, “Where do feelings come from”?  Feelings emerge from the heart and reach the mind.  ...

Tension and Attention

Tension and Attention

Dear friends, Om Shanti. There is no nourishment like happiness. Happiness is nourishment. Worry is a type of illness and makes you into a patient. So, add “a” ...

Still and Stable

Still and Stable

Dear friends, Om shanti. If you have a scary situation in front of you, do not let it frighten you.  Always maintain a vision of love no matter what happens.  When ...

Don’t over think

Don’t over think

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. There is so much happiness that comes by following a life
filled with truth.  The one who is honest is automatically coloured ...

Concern to serve humanity

Concern to serve humanity

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  If my main concern is to serve humanity rather than to make money or become well known, I will never become tired. If I say something ...

Spiritual Awareness Nurtures the Powerful Mind and Changes the Quality of Our Consciousness

Spiritual Awareness Nurtures the Powerful Mind and Changes the Quality of Our Consciousness

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  The task of this time is to create a pure world, and it begins by creating purity within.  The mind just generates thoughts ...

Give Happiness to others

Give Happiness to others

Dear friends, Om shanti. Our time is very valuable. Let every thought and every breath be filled with pure love and happiness. This will bring incredible happiness ...

Now is the moment!

Now is the moment!

Dear friends, Om shanti. Now is the time to become complete with all virtues – to be completely peaceful, completely loving and completely happy. Now is the ...

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