Check the quality of your own thinking

Check the quality of your own thinking

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Some tell me that they cannot get on with others. Whose mistake is it that you can’t get on with someone, if not your own? ...

Make your character high

Make your character high

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  I know that sometimes you become absorbed in seeing the mistakes of those around you.  It is a weakness to look at anyone ...

Sweetness and Truth

Sweetness and Truth

Dear friend,
Sometimes we think of service as the meetings and planning that we do “out there” in the worlds of our organizations, but the simple and powerful ...

The secret to a fortunate life

The secret to a fortunate life

Dear friends, Om shanti. Do you ever wonder how fortune is created? God is on the right side and fortune on the other side. Make God your Companion and observe everything ...

Secrets of self-progress

Secrets of self-progress

Dear friends, Om shanti. There are two secrets to self-progress. One is to understand the soul and the other is to understand God. When I understand that I am a ...

Be a sample in the world of being simple

Be a sample in the world of being simple

Dear friends, Om shanti. Through self realization and connection with God, we develop deep purity, which doesn’t allow negativity to touch us. After purity, ...

Give the Earth love and respect

Give the Earth love and respect

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Never give sorrow, and never take sorrow.  To give or take sorrow is a kind of violence against ourselves and others.  ...

Between the mind and intellect is the conscience

Between the mind and intellect is the conscience

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  How can we stand on top of the world and serve the world?  To do this we have to understand the subtle role of the conscience.  ...

Natural Law

Natural Law

Dear friends, Om shanti. It is a natural law that whatever your inner state, others seeing you will become the same. Do you find that to be true – that by ...

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