Meeting Life’s Challenges

Meeting Life’s Challenges

Neville Hodgkinson
To be able to generate and sustain inner\power you need a change of attitude, vision, and perception. This has been my ...

Being in the Now

Being in the Now

Dadi Janki, Administrative Head, Brahma Kumaris  These days people feel they don’t have enough time.  This causes a lot of stress ...

The Feminine Principle

The Feminine Principle

By Gayatri NaraineAuthor’s Bio: Gayatri Naraine is the Brahma Kumaris Representative at the United Nations in New York.  This article, ...

Resilience in Values

Resilience in Values

How have you developed values resilience so when you have faced a challenge to your values you have still lived them in your behaviour and speech? It ...

Dying to be Thin

Dying to be Thin

Jillian Sawers breaks down the myths surrounding diet and beauty and how to break free from the fear of food
In a recent study of high school ...

The Ethics of Business

By Christopher DrakeProfits or prophets? Chris Drake looks over his shoulder at the latest perceptions of moral and ethical values in commerce.In the ...

The Holy Grail of High Self Esteem

The Holy Grail of High Self Esteem

Author’s bio: For sixteen years Lesley Edwards pursued inner spiritual development with the Brahma Kumaris.  Her career took her into ...

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