Don't stop giving love

Don't stop giving love

Dear friends, Om shanti. If someone makes a mistake and you see it, do not allow it to affect your vision of that person. People come under the influence of their ...

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and that the drishti (the vision) of a yogi gives deep happiness to all.  ...

Unshakable, immovable intellect

Unshakable, immovable intellect

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  When catastrophes happen, don’t become afraid & anxious.  At such a time give courage to one another. Have the ...

Charitable action

Charitable action

Dear friends, Om shanti. Each of you is playing your own part.  When we watch others, we come to understand the part they are playing.  We may want to ...

Are you smiling?

Are you smiling?

Dear friends, Om shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti. Are you smiling? Always keep a smile on your face. One who stays in remembrance of God is able to smile. Such a soul ...

A Spiritual Secret

A Spiritual Secret

Dear friends, Om Shanti. I’ll tell you a spiritual secret: to bring about a new golden age of truth, we need five virtues - purity, truth, patience, humility ...

Inner Well-being

Inner Well-being

Dear friends, Om shanti. Dadi has seen how wasteful and negative thoughts are very detrimental to your well-being. They bring great loss. Often, it isn’t necessary ...

The Essence of Spiritual Knowledge

The Essence of Spiritual Knowledge

Dear friends, Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti.  People talk about many things when they speak of spirituality, but the essence of spiritual knowledge is to ...

Seed of real transformation

Seed of real transformation

Dear friends, Om shanti. Those on a spiritual path speak about light. There are two meanings of light. One is to remain light inside and another is about being physically ...

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