Every human being wants love, peace and happiness

Every human being wants love, peace and happiness

Dear Friend,
Looking at the world outside, there is a lot of tension and people don’t have the power to perform right action. All human beings have one thing ...

Rethink your mindset

Rethink your mindset

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.   Those who make spiritual awareness a focus in their lives want to act in a benevolent way.  It is as though there ...

Become one who is 'innocent' of negativity

Become one who is 'innocent' of negativity

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  We have to stay in the world, but it is essential to remain free from anger, ego and attachment. If you get involved in serving ...

Essential part of yourself

Essential part of yourself

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Now is the time to adopt a spiritual lifestyle.   Whenever we have to adopt a new change in our physical looks or outfits or lifestyle, ...

Maintain elevated thoughts

Maintain elevated thoughts

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  If you want to remain in happiness and serve others, maintain a positive and powerful internal stage. If your internal stage ...

Become altruistic

Become altruistic

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  My wish for each of you is that you learn to become altruistic – to serve at such an elevated level that you have total ...

God's Companionship

God's Companionship

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  There is a deep connection between peace and love. When I become soul conscious, I experience peace, and then the type of love ...

It is our vision that makes us see virtues or negative traits in others

It is our vision that makes us see virtues or negative traits in others

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  What we see in the world, is not so much about the world as it is about our own level of consciousness.  It is our vision ...

Remember you are special

Remember you are special

Dear friends,   Om shanti. Remember that you are special, and maintain the highest awareness.  Make time in silence for yourself.  Keep the intoxication ...

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