Trust in others and faith in the self

Trust in others and faith in the self

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Never look at others and think, “this one is like this, and that one is like that.”  Never see the weaknesses of ...

A life of values becomes a useful life

A life of values becomes a useful life

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Do you feel that the time of transformation has arrived?  Let your life become a life of values, and it will be a useful ...

Everything will be good.

Everything will be good.

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  You are learning to have mastery over your thoughts and feelings so you can bring benefit to the world.  This is not the time ...

If we are detached, we can develop a loving nature

If we are detached, we can develop a loving nature

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  The task of this time is not to leave the world in order to be close to God.  We have to stay in the family and yet do our ...

There is no time like the present

There is no time like the present

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. There is no time like the present. Whatever it is we have to do, we have to do it NOW. There are many things going on externally ...

The path to contentment is the path of introversion.

The path to contentment is the path of introversion.

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  Most of the world encourages you to be extroverted, but the path to contentment is the path of introversion. Become quiet, still ...

What we must be and what we must do

What we must be and what we must do

Dear Friends, Om shanti. This is a period when we are receiving sustenance and touchings from God about what we must be and what we must do.  Keep God in front ...

Serving through happiness and stability

Serving through happiness and stability

Dear friends, Om shanti. This is a time when your stage has to be very stable. Circumstances will come and go, but you need to remain stable and not fluctuate. Each ...

Love for each one

Love for each one

Dear friends, Om shanti.  They say that I am the head of this organization.  And in an organization of this size, so many things happen.  If I were ...

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