Power of Concentration

Power of Concentration

Dear friends, Om Shanti. With the power of concentration, I transform my intellect. Don’t talk much; rather concentrate on remembrance. Remember who you really ...

Go into the depths of Silence

Go into the depths of Silence

Dear friends, Om shanti.  There is no need to speak much now. Whenever possible, take the opportunity to go into the depths of silence, into the depths of yourself. ...

Joy beyond the senses

Joy beyond the senses

Dear friends, Om Shanti. I’ll share a secret of how to become joyful-- beyond the joy you get from the senses. I become conscious of myself as a soul and make ...

Serve others by helping them to smile

Serve others by helping them to smile

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. One of the ways you can serve others is to help them to smile, but this is not as easy as it may sound. Some have such a character that ...

Naturally remain light

Naturally remain light

Dear friends, Om shanti. Sometimes when we come together I see that your work is making you feel heavy.  Don’t allow this to happen. Don’t allow ...

The call of this time is a call for peace

The call of this time is a call for peace

Dear Friends,
The call of this time is a call for peace; becoming peaceful means seizing the reins of the out-of-control mind and bringing the runaway thoughts ...

We also have to benefit the lives of others

We also have to benefit the lives of others

Dear friends, Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti. You have been with me many times when I have asked you to repeat “om shanti’ 3 times. I do that because ...

Everything starts with the heart

Everything starts with the heart

Dear friends, Om shanti. Some of you would have heard me say that everything starts with the heart. When the heart is honest and clean, God is pleased with me. Sometimes ...

Serving the world always begins with serving the self

Serving the world always begins with serving the self

Dear friends, Om shanti. Become a detached observer of your own self and see if you feel that God is happy with you. If you are thinking of others, then what will ...

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