The value of this time

The value of this time

Dear friends, Om shanti. This is the time to pay attention to the self. Don’t allow your intellect to become absorbed in wasteful things. And don’t think ...

Tension and Attention

Tension and Attention

Dear friends, Om Shanti. There is no nourishment like happiness. Happiness is nourishment. Worry is a type of illness and makes you into a patient. So, add “a” ...

We need three powers

We need three powers

Dear Friends, Om shanti. In life we need three powers.  The first is patience. In order to have patience, we need the power of tolerance. If we can’t ...

Create powerful thoughts

Create powerful thoughts

Dear friends, Om shanti. Learn how to create powerful thoughts, and don’t support the habit of waste thoughts. Waste thoughts are created when we remain in ...

How to live and how to die. . .

How to live and how to die. . .

Dear friends, Om shanti.  When I pay attention to myself all tension finishes. So what attention do I need to have? Who am I, and who is mine? Pay attention ...

Perform as many elevated actions as you wish.

Perform as many elevated actions as you wish.

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  It is not necessary to get lost in thought on any subject. The things that need to remain in our awareness now are simple:  1) ...

Between the mind and intellect is the conscience

Between the mind and intellect is the conscience

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  How can we stand on top of the world and serve the world?  To do this we have to understand the subtle role of the conscience.  ...

The experience of silence is good

The experience of silence is good

Dear friends, Om shanti.  The experience of silence is good. Find the opportunity to go into silence, and in between your times in silence have a spiritual ...

Let my presence do service

Let my presence do service

Dear Friends, Om shanti. My life should not be complicated. I must not be complicated for anyone else, nor should they be complicated for me.  It should be easy ...

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