Power of realization

Power of realization

Dear friends, Om shanti. The effort of this time is to finish whatever weaknesses or defects we have and to practice the power of realization, so that we can implement ...

Make your character high

Make your character high

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  I know that sometimes you become absorbed in seeing the mistakes of those around you.  It is a weakness to look at anyone ...

Pay close attention to your awareness

Pay close attention to your awareness

Dear Friends, Om shanti. When we hear something uplifting… when we hear some aspect of the truth, we enjoy that and it comes into our awareness.  ...

Smile internally

Smile internally

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Three types of awareness make us smile internally and are revealed on the face. First, is the smile of one who is soul conscious, ...

Accumulate energy.

Accumulate energy.

Accumulate energy. Dear friends, Om shanti.  There is power, there is energy and there is strength.
Sometimes people ask me where I get my energy from. ...

Appreciation for what each one does

Appreciation for what each one does

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Let me have a vision of appreciation for what each one does. This gives happiness to other souls.  There is value in appreciation. The ...

Make your nature easy and light

Make your nature easy and light

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Dadi wishes all of you to be free from waste thoughts. Don’t allow yourself to have a sensitive nature. Leave behind the ...

Pay attention to what is in your consciousness

Pay attention to what is in your consciousness

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Pay attention to what is in your consciousness.  There is a deep connection between your consciousness, your attitude and your ...

The ONE initiative

The ONE initiative

Dear Friends, The Brahma Kumaris understand this to be a time for personal and world transformation. We believe this happens as each one remembers the ONE above, ...

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