If we want newness in the world, we have to let go of what is old

If we want newness in the world, we have to let go of what is old

Dear Friend.
Om shanti.  When we are together, we talk about wanting to create a better world.  The secret of this time is that a better world is ...

Glimpse a future of universal peace

Glimpse a future of universal peace

Dear Friends, At the new year, we pause and notice the passing of time as we move from the old year to the new one.  Know that every moment, every hour is important. ...

Nature needs our love at this time

Nature needs our love at this time

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  We see that nature needs our love at this time.  Nature needs good vibrations.  Nature gives us so much pleasure, that ...

Everyone says they want peace

Everyone says they want peace

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Greetings of peace.  Everyone says they want peace, but we have forgotten that peace is our original religion.  In ...

Create inner transformation

Create inner transformation

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  Often when we have a chance to meet together, we talk about how to change something in ourselves – how to create inner ...

Refreshed and Rejuvenated

Refreshed and Rejuvenated

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.When we are together, we talk  about how you can renew
yourself and refresh yourself through raj yoga.We talk about being ...

Understand, realize, practice and company

Understand, realize, practice and company

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  There are 4 things that will help you in your spiritual progress:  (1) understand, (2) realize, (3) practice, and (4) company.  ...

Spiritual power

Spiritual power

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Sometimes when we are together, we talk about where spiritual power comes from.  Spiritual power comes from above, and to ...

Inner quality of happiness

Inner quality of happiness

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Let us fill the soul with an inner quality of happiness that can be carried into the future. When we focus only on the “reason” ...

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