God's Companionship

God's Companionship

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  There is a deep connection between peace and love. When I become soul conscious, I experience peace, and then the type of love ...

New Year Message from Dadi Janki

New Year Message from Dadi Janki

Dear friends, Om shanti. What does om shanti mean?  First, go into the depths of what is the soul. Om shanti means “I, the soul, am peace”.  The ...

Spiritual Awareness Nurtures the Powerful Mind and Changes the Quality of Our Consciousness

Spiritual Awareness Nurtures the Powerful Mind and Changes the Quality of Our Consciousness

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  The task of this time is to create a pure world, and it begins by creating purity within.  The mind just generates thoughts ...

Our seat of self-respect

Our seat of self-respect

Dear friends, Om shanti. It is wonderful to say, “Om Shanti” and to be “Om Shanti”. Peace is with us in service. This is right, is it not? ...

Take one step of courage, and God will help you

Take one step of courage, and God will help you

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  Never become disheartened; never lose faith in yourself. When you realise something needs to change in you, then transformation ...

Live with humility

Live with humility

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  We talk a lot about humanity. It’s necessary for humanity – human beings – to have humility. How wonderful ...

Happy Heart

Happy Heart

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  This is the time when the world needs our happiness.  There is great sadness and suffering in the world and we are seeing that ...

Thinking too much is a habit

Thinking too much is a habit

Dear friends, Om shanti. Thinking too much is a habit. There’s no need to think a great deal. Teach yourself to stay in peace, happiness, love, and bliss. ...

Give Happiness to others

Give Happiness to others

Dear friends, Om shanti. Our time is very valuable. Let every thought and every breath be filled with pure love and happiness. This will bring incredible happiness ...

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