Clean and courageous heart

Clean and courageous heart

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  There is a subtle method for taking help from the Father. When we maintain a clean heart and a courageous heart, we naturally receive ...

Everything will be good.

Everything will be good.

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  You are learning to have mastery over your thoughts and feelings so you can bring benefit to the world.  This is not the time ...

There is no time like the present

There is no time like the present

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. There is no time like the present. Whatever it is we have to do, we have to do it NOW. There are many things going on externally ...

The ability to realize one’s own mistake happens in the heart

The ability to realize one’s own mistake happens in the heart

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  When we especially want to express deep feelings, we refer to the heart. For instance, we say, “in my heart, I feel that ...

Trust in others and faith in the self

Trust in others and faith in the self

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Never look at others and think, “this one is like this, and that one is like that.”  Never see the weaknesses of ...

Love for each one

Love for each one

Dear friends, Om shanti.  They say that I am the head of this organization.  And in an organization of this size, so many things happen.  If I were ...

Serving through happiness and stability

Serving through happiness and stability

Dear friends, Om shanti. This is a time when your stage has to be very stable. Circumstances will come and go, but you need to remain stable and not fluctuate. Each ...

Quality of our awareness

Quality of our awareness

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  We human beings know what we should do and what we should not do.  We are blessed with an intellect that can understand ...

Being happy and content

Being happy and content

Dear friends, Om Shanti. Never think that anything that comes in front of you is difficult to deal with. Instead, have the thought that everything is easy. Keep ...

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