Sweetness and Truth

Sweetness and Truth

Dear friend,
Sometimes we think of service as the meetings and planning that we do “out there” in the worlds of our organizations, but the simple and powerful ...

The secret to a fortunate life

The secret to a fortunate life

Dear friends, Om shanti. Do you ever wonder how fortune is created? God is on the right side and fortune on the other side. Make God your Companion and observe everything ...

Yoga while in action

Yoga while in action

Dear friends, Om Shanti. It’s one thing to sit in meditation, what some call yoga. But if we are going to transform our lives, we can’t only have yoga ...

Secrets of self-progress

Secrets of self-progress

Dear friends, Om shanti. There are two secrets to self-progress. One is to understand the soul and the other is to understand God. When I understand that I am a ...

Hope in ourselves

Hope in ourselves

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  This is the time to be aware of the difference between what is original and true in us and what is acquired and false.  ...

Patience, tolerance, and contentment

Patience, tolerance, and contentment

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. There are three powers that help us to perform positive actions no matter what situation we are in. The first one is patience. When ...

Feel Strong and Refreshed

Feel Strong and Refreshed

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Some of you tell me about the extreme tension you experience in your life.  It prevents you from paying attention to your ...

The inner state of lightness

The inner state of lightness

Dear friends, Om shanti. When the heart is honest, and the mind is cool, then the vision is filled with great happiness. Then you can use your heart, mind and vision ...

Be a sample in the world of being simple

Be a sample in the world of being simple

Dear friends, Om shanti. Through self realization and connection with God, we develop deep purity, which doesn’t allow negativity to touch us. After purity, ...

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