Learn how to smile
Dear Friend,

Om shanti.  What is needed in the world today is to learn how to smile,
and to make others smile. There are the diseases of so many different
types of negative feelings in today’s world. I have to be such that I
never take any feeling of sorrow into my heart. Never let any matter of
the past or the present sit in your heart. If there is any trace of
anger inside, then finish it completely. I should not get angry myself;
nor should I make others angry with me. Never give any reason to justify
your anger. My task now is to be happy myself and to make others happy.
For this fill the self with specialties.

To fill yourself with specialities, you will need to make effort to
leave your weaknesses. Fill the self with virtues of peace, love, and
bliss, and your weaknesses will finish.  These virtues are the qualities
of God.  As you fill yourself with God's qualities, you will see how you
are able to stay more and more in His company. Those who are similar can
easily stay in each other’s company. The gift you will then receive from
God is to be able to be a detached observer. As a detached observer, you
can be in the company of those who are sad, but not take sadness
yourself.  They will learn how to smile from you.

With love,

Dadi Janki

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