Creating a purposeful life

Dear friends,

Om shanti. Because you are those who want to serve, you sometimes have questions about purpose in life.  My purpose in life is to think good 

thoughts.  No matter what someone may be like, they have virtues.  They don’t only have defects. Creating a purposeful life is learning to live 

with good wishes and pure feelings for the self and for others.  When I look at you, I see your virtues, your qualities that have caused you to 

want to live a life with purpose.

This desire to live a valuable life is what has caused us to remain close, isn’t it? The heart feels that this is right.  When we engage in 

pure thinking, there is only benefit for the self and for others.  Live your life with the confidence that it’s going to be good.  Everything is 

going to turn out fine.

With love,

BK Janki


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