Being with God
Dear Friend,

Om shanti.  I want to share with you a very big secret:  the secret of how to experience God’s love.  This is the highest stage that a human being can experience – the stage of going beyond everything and being with God.  I wish each of my friends could experience this.  God is so sweet and lovely and this experience is available to all of us.

To have this experience, we must finish the waste thoughts about others. When the mind is pure, clear and clean, we can attract and experience God's love. If we let our minds come down, then God cannot reach us.  Whatever is in your heart will keep emerging. The mind will go where the heart is. So keep your heart filled with pure feelings and give yourself the extraordinary experience of being with God.

With love,

BK Janki

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Words for the World - Hope

Dadi Janki says that in order to face the intense challenges of the world today, time is calling for all souls to reclaim feelings of love and peace.

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