Sweetness and Truth
Dear friend,

Sometimes we think of service as the meetings and planning that we do “out there” in the worlds of our organizations, but the simple and powerful methods by which we serve are based on our inner stage of sweetness and truth.

The children who are sweet and truthful are loved by God.  In fact the ones who are sweet are loved by everyone.  If you become bitter, then you give sorrow to many.  So our words should be sweet, and our eyes should reflect spirituality.  In our actions and tasks there should be truthfulness.  There needs to be a great deal of humility in our relationships.  Be humble and all virtues will emerge and yourweaknesses will finish.   These are the simple but powerful methods by which we serve at this time.

With love,
Dadi Janki

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Words for the World - Detachment

Dadi Janki shows how to be free from attachment and desires.

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