Take one step of courage, and God will help you

Dear friends,

Om shanti.  Never become disheartened; never lose faith in yourself. When you realise something needs to change in you, then transformation can begin to take place in that instant. When you receive the method for spiritual change, then consider that God is there to help you, and you will be able to do it. Take one step of courage, and God will help you. Have courage and trust! Be clear and honest and you will practically see the result.

Remember when you change, the world changes. What do you have to change? Begin by changing your feelings.  Create pure feelings and have good wishes. If someone has hurt you, then create good feelings for them. If you have hurt someone, then have good wishes for them. You also have to change your thoughts.  Keep on creating good thoughts whilst you are walking around. Have the elevated thought that God’s hand is on your head.

The New Year is a time of transformation, let go of the old and welcome the New.  Happy New Year!

With love,
BK Janki


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