Change this habit of hurry and worry

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  Why do we become tired? It’s because we remain body conscious. When we stay in a state of soul consciousness, we can take love and power from God.  This allows us to have compassion and to give love. If we continue to worry and hurry in life, then eventually we become bitter. We need to change this habit of hurry and worry. We have to keep the consciousness of learning all the time. Keep changing the self and take whatever anyone says to you to be a sign. Accept it and change. We don’t need to point out the mistakes of others. If I change, others will see me and change themselves. My duty is to be loving to all. When I am careful with my own self, others will become careful with themselves.

With love,

BK Janki


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Words for the World - Hope

Dadi Janki says that in order to face the intense challenges of the world today, time is calling for all souls to reclaim feelings of love and peace.

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