Share pure feelings through the eyes

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  When you are not feeling good, life becomes a very long and complicated affair. I send you these notes to share my experience with you as to how to have good and pure feelings all the time. All of my life I’ve never been involved in anything long or complicated -- not listening to anything, thinking about anything, seeing anything in that way and not speaking anything that is not useful. I’ve just paid attention to maintaining good feelings. 

My feeling now is that all of us are the children of the One Father and when we meet, I feel that I’ve come to meet all my brothers and sisters.  Generally speaking, when we meet one another, we ask: “How are you” and get into questions around that. But when I meet you, my brothers and sisters, I simply say: ‘Om shanti’. No other action is required – just this exchange of feelings from the heart of sharing peace and love and joy with each other. I first of all want to meet you all with the eyes and share these feelings through the eyes.  When we meet each other in this way, we maintain pure feelings and good wishes.

With love,
BK Janki


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