Rethink your mindset

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.   Those who make spiritual awareness a focus in their lives want to act in a benevolent way.  It is as though there is a natural inner enthusiasm to do good deeds.    Do intense meditation and then do service from the heart. 

Attachment and greed distract us and prevent us from performing elevated actions. With real renunciation your intellect will not be pulled anywhere and you will not want anything. You will not become upset or disturbed. You will become a beautiful flower and seeing you others will become the same. Don’t think too much; let many benefit from your fragrance. 

Rethink your mindset.  Set your mind with a determined thought, and then there is no need to think about it any more.  “I have set my mind, and this is what I am going to do.”  Have faith in yourself, faith in others and faith in God.  These are deep, subtle aspects that I am sharing with you.

If you think too much, you waste a lot of time.  To ask too many questions, to get agitated and to get confused is all a waste of time. When your mind is clear, you get the right touching at the right time to do the right things.  Even if you have children and work, you can still remain detached.  Stay pure, stay clean, and don’t think too much. Whatever you need to do, do it now.  You belong to the Father, and so always remain loving and detached.

With love,
BK Janki


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