Ask yourself where your mind is

Ask yourself where your mind is

Dear Friends, Om shanti. The essence of this raja yoga is Manmanabhav, to keep our minds absorbed in the One.  So ask yourself where your mind is. Is it caught ...

Every human being wants love, peace and happiness

Every human being wants love, peace and happiness

Dear Friend,
Looking at the world outside, there is a lot of tension and people don’t have the power to perform right action. All human beings have one thing ...

Teach your mind to talk to God

Teach your mind to talk to God

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  The call of this time is to remove our weaknesses and to finish our karmic accounts.  In order to remove my weaknesses, ...

To find peace, go into silence

To find peace, go into silence

Dear Friends, Om shanti. To find peace, go into silence.  It is very valuable to sit in silence for at least one hour out of each 24 hours.  Silence means ...

Happiness makes us strong and stable

Happiness makes us strong and stable

Dear friends, Om shanti. There is no nourishment like the nourishment of happiness. There is no illness like the illness of worry. Happiness makes us strong and ...

Don’t over think

Don’t over think

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. There is so much happiness that comes by following a life
filled with truth.  The one who is honest is automatically coloured ...

Mercy, compassion and true love

Mercy, compassion and true love

Dear Friend,
The inspiration to serve emerges when a soul has 3 qualities - mercy, compassion and true love.
At this time everyone needs to feel love. ...

If we are detached, we can develop a loving nature

If we are detached, we can develop a loving nature

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  The task of this time is not to leave the world in order to be close to God.  We have to stay in the family and yet do our ...

Learn to use silence power, and you will receive strength

Learn to use silence power, and you will receive strength

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  We have talked many times about the importance of learning how to move into a state of soul consciousness.  Silence is the ...

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