Do everything with love

Do everything with love

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Speak sweetly to whomever comes in front of you.   Don’t see
anyone’s mistakes.  Make sure your ...

Inner quality of happiness

Inner quality of happiness

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Let us fill the soul with an inner quality of happiness that can be carried into the future. When we focus only on the “reason” ...

Everyone says they want peace

Everyone says they want peace

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Greetings of peace.  Everyone says they want peace, but we have forgotten that peace is our original religion.  In ...

Apply a spiritual solution

Apply a spiritual solution

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  Sometimes one of my friends will come to me because someone is doing something wrong and they want me to go and make it right.  ...

The power of "Om shanti"

The power of

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  Why do I always greet you with this greeting of “Om shanti”?  Peace is achieved only through the true understanding ...

Glimpse a future of universal peace

Glimpse a future of universal peace

Dear Friends, At the new year, we pause and notice the passing of time as we move from the old year to the new one.  Know that every moment, every hour is important. ...

Each one can claim inner power

Each one can claim inner power

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  We can do whatever we set out to do if we fill our hearts with purity, peace, love, happiness, and power.  First is purity.  ...

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