How can we be happy when there is so much unhappiness in the world?

How can we be happy when there is so much unhappiness in the world?

Dear friends, Om shanti. Some people ask me how we can be happy when there is so much unhappiness in the world. The inner nature shouldn’t be affected by negativity ...

Natural nature of goodness

Natural nature of goodness

Dear friends, Om shanti. Your inner awareness should be that you are a spiritual being, a soul, with a natural nature of goodness. This inner awareness can chase ...

Remember all that should be remembered and forget all that should be forgotten

Remember all that should be remembered and forget all that should be forgotten

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. Because you are my friend, and because what you say and do
influences many, I want you to understand that this is a very important ...

A Peaceful Mind

A Peaceful Mind

Dear friends, Om Shanti. This means “I am peace”. I should never say, “my mind was not peaceful at that time”. Even by mistake there should ...

The value of this time

The value of this time

Dear friends, Om shanti. This is the time to pay attention to the self. Don’t allow your intellect to become absorbed in wasteful things. And don’t think ...

Take this one blessing from God: I will not take sorrow from anyone

Take this one blessing from God: I will not take sorrow from anyone

Dear friend,
Some have called the world at this time the Land of Sorrow. There are many situations and people that cause sorrow. God has many titles. Two that ...

Power of realization

Power of realization

Dear friends, Om shanti. The effort of this time is to finish whatever weaknesses or defects we have and to practice the power of realization, so that we can implement ...

Secret to a long and happy life

Secret to a long and happy life

Dear friends, Om Shanti. Let me tell you the secret to living a long and happy life. Accept from your heart whatever comes in front of you. Remain content, and you ...

Everyone is unique, see only virtue

Everyone is unique, see only virtue

Dear friends, Om shanti. Do not allow your disappointment with others to disturb your inner peace. Everyone is unique. No two are the same. When you look at others, ...

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