Call of the Time

The Call of the Time (COTT) dialogues were the inspiration of Dadi Janki, Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris.The dialogues, which have been running since 1998, have been bringing together high level leaders from many countries and sectors of society in all sorts of settings over the five continents. Many of the participants have joined several dialogues and these gatherings represent a continuation of their personal and spiritual journey. The dialogues started as conversations on a variety of topics focusing on social and political issues of our times.

However, there was a turning point at one of the dialogues held at Brahma Kumaris spiritual headquarters in Mount Abu, India, in 1999. One afternoon was dedicated to silent reflection and participants were taken to some of the special meditation places there. From that point onwards it became apparent that periods of silence were absolutely integral to the dialogues. "Because dialogue is, at its essence, about a deep listening to what is trying to emerge, it can benefit significantly from being more disciplined in quieting the mind." Peter Senge, Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management, Founding Chair, Society for Organizational Learning, and Co-facilitator, Call of the Time dialogues.

Two journals, Experiments in Silence - Points of Entry and A Mind that is Qualified to Serve, ​were created with the support of the Fetzer Institute, an organisation that supports scientific research into subtle energy, consciousness, spirituality and the mind-body connection

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