Finish old things of the past

Finish old things of the past

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  This is the time to finish old things of the past.  Realize  they no longer belong to you.  Those who think about the ...

Connect with deeper imprints of goodness and purity

Connect with deeper imprints of goodness and purity

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  All of us have had experiences that caused us to carry sorrow, anger or fear.  The impact left on us as a result of our ...

Your real wealth

Your real wealth

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Understand that your real wealth cannot be taken from you or destroyed. The world has become very luxurious and showy but that ...

A simple and powerful way to serve

A simple and powerful way to serve

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  The secret of life is to manage to feel great, no matter what happens.  We can learn to remain happy all of the time.  ...

We also have to benefit the lives of others

We also have to benefit the lives of others

Dear friends, Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti. You have been with me many times when I have asked you to repeat “om shanti’ 3 times. I do that because ...

How do we create high quality thoughts?

How do we create high quality thoughts?

Dear friend,
When we have been together in the past, you have sometimes asked me to talk with you about spiritual power. Spiritual power is what allows us to ...

Just smile

Just smile

Dear friends, Om shanti.  When you look at each other, just smile. Don’t look at anyone’s nature or their old patterns of behavior. Don’t ...

Kindness is essential to our humanity

Kindness is essential to our humanity

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. My experience with most of my friends around the world is that you do have a kind nature. The notion of kindness is living in the word ...

Quality of interactions

Quality of interactions

Dear friends, Om shanti. There are two words that sound similar in Hindi, and they capture something important about the way we provide spiritual support for each ...

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