Now is the moment!

Now is the moment!

Dear friends, Om shanti. Now is the time to become complete with all virtues – to be completely peaceful, completely loving and completely happy. Now is the ...

A simple and powerful way to serve

A simple and powerful way to serve

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  The secret of life is to manage to feel great, no matter what happens.  We can learn to remain happy all of the time.  ...

Create and conserve energy.

Create and conserve energy.

Dear Friends.
Om shanti. Now is the time to create and conserve energy.  When the mind is quiet and in silence, the soul can be free from any type of ...

Let go and move on

Let go and move on

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  Today I would like you to keep the thought that you have to
be a good human being and inspire others. If you find it difficult ...

Feeling of friendship

Feeling of friendship

Dear friends, Om shanti.  It is the feeling of friendship that makes people happy.  When we’re alone, we can become afraid. But if we have no animosity, ...

In this world of darkness, there needs to be light.

In this world of darkness, there needs to be light.

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  All of you are my brothers and sisters. It is time for all of us to come together and work on God’s plan to change the world.

Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti

Om  shanti.  Om shanti.  Om shanti

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  Om shanti.  Om shanti.
The first Om Shanti reminds us of the original religion of the soul, which is peace: the second ...

To return to our original state of peace, we need power

To return to our original state of peace, we need power

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. What is the difference between peace and silence? The original religion of the soul is peace, and the task of this time is to take ourselves ...

Be detached and loving

Be detached and loving

Dear friends, Om shanti. It is a mistake to become upset by seeing someone close to us under the influence of their own nature. Let there be not be words of weakness ...

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